Now a days people use search engines for anything and everything. Web sites are competing themselves to be found in first spot or at least on the first page of results. In order to obtain this prized position make your site "search engine friendly". Design and market of your site should be attractive to the end user who is to be converted to your customer. So be careful with the aesthetics of your site, its usability, the way it communicates and ultimately its ability to convert. Only a company with high expertise in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)can build your website in these norms. Speak with Preigo Fover's SEO team to know more about SEO services we provide.
Read down to get some key ingredients to make up a search engine friendly site.
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The easiest way for getting a link on another site is to submit your site to directories like GoGuides, JoeAnt, Skaffe or Wow. Search engines regularly crawl these and other directories and will find your site once it is listed. Another thing to do is add a link to the client's site in of your client list, portfolio, press release section or even in one of your own directories.Make sure that search engines can find you in the first place.
Make way for search engines.
Sometime search engines are stopped from reaching the sub pages a site. One of the most common reason for that is when a site uses a JavaScript navigation system such as with dynamic menus. While Google is working to overcome the inability to understand JavaScript, the other search engines simply cannot crawl links in these types of navigational systems. Therefore provide an alternate way to navigate the site such as a set of text links in the footer of your site. If your site has too many pages or sections, include a set of links in the footer, then build a site map with text links to every page or at least every major section of the site and then include a text link to the site map from your home page. You can also link to sub pages within the regular copy of your pages as well.
Search engines crave for content or html texts.
So provide your website with the best information available on the Internet. For example, if you sell a line of products, make sure you provide content describing the products whether that be in the form of convincing sales verbiage, product reviews, testimonials or all those combined. Write for the target audience.
Unique title tags and meta description tags are another way to attract customers.
Title tag should coincide with the subject matter of the page. Each page should be different. The title tag is probably the most important thing a search engine looks at out of all the other elements of your site. It should coincide with the subject matter of the page.
In short having a search engine friendly site simply means to have a site that they can find and understand, which provides a wealth of good info and is the best in its field. So never stop working to make your site better than all the others you are competing against.
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