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Education is a field which requires the direst upgrading in order to provide the upcoming generation of wizard kids the best of what you have got for them. To stand high among others, to outshine the general Grey shades of generality with your own feathers of colour, to be an out-performer among fellow competitors in the field of education, you need to incorporate into your efforts the versatile and innovative trends of current technologies and applications. You have to enhance your involvements with the students, teachers and parents, on a real time basis, in this fast moving world where people are unwilling to stand long queue outside the office to get the fee of their ward paid, or to get the admission form to get their enrolled. When everything is available at a distance of one swipe across their smart phones or googling through their PCs then why would they not prefer this 21st century school to any other conventional ones ?

Through goEdu, we intend to help you to collaborate your ideas with a real player in this field of web application development or website designers, who deliver their best at your service. This service is meant for those schools who wish to make their presence known through the virtual world.

We provide you website and application environment which incorporates different features like online payment; online admission; allotment of classes; option for real time connection, through SMS, with parents, teachers and students; attendance updating facility; subject and period allotments for each class and teacher; school activities updating; staff alerts and options for exclusive communication with them, etc. you can get all these at one go, with no papers and files piling around your offices and premises and enjoying this world of De-mat version. goEdu is your perfect partner to make this realize. We work in LAMP technologies and also boast of our expertise in web and app development. With best hands in the following sevice, like Software development, Web site designing and development, Database integration and programming, Internet consulting, Website maintenance and live support, Email marketing and SEO, Professional Newsletters, Bulk Mailing solutions we intend to express our desire to help you design your world of success.

So its high time we step forward aligned to current requirements and hit the best rating among our competitors. Collaborate with us and we will give you the right direction to take the perfect flight and help you soar high with the wings of technology and innovation.

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